Friday, 26 July 2013


Hey there guys, okay so already I know that I haven't blogged everyday and I can honestly say I did absolutely pants but before you all shout and say "why say your going to blog everyday and not end up doing it?!" The reason I haven't been able to is is because I've been working all day everyday, Rowing on top of that and having my friend round. Now that might not sound like a lot to you but it was too me, this job is harder than I expected it to be and makes me incredibly tired and exhausted that I completely forgot my promise to you. So if you were hoping to see me blog everyday I'm really really sorry but I've just been too tired and busy to remember, and the weather has been rubbish which is not what I had thought it was going to be. So I haven't been doing summary things because it's been raining and miserable.

Another thing, before I decided to write this apology I guess I didn't have a clue what to write about and so I looked at some other peoples blogs like Sprinkle of Glitter, Zoella, who I personally love and there blogs have given me some ideas for my own blog, and I also want you to comment below if you have a blog and I will check them out because I really want to find other bloggers and see what other people are writing about, if you have any specific blogs you want me to do also leave them below as I will consider them in the future.

Again sorry for my not following through with the whole blogging everyday for 6 weeks thing but I'm gonna try again, thanks for reading byyeee x

If you don't know Sprinkle of Glitter or Zoella and you have been living under a rock there links are below this: 

Sprinkle of Glitter -
Zoella -

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