Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Girls and Sport? ...

Hey there guys, now the other day I saw an advert or a segment of the news on the tv about girls around the ages of 13 - 18, i think it was, who don't participate in sport. I'm nearly 16 and I was thinking abut how much sport I do, those of you who have read my blog before know that I do a lot of Rowing and that is my main sport and passion within sport, but I also love swimming and play netball and rounders at school. When I was in year 7, so first year at high school, I really didn't want to take part in sport, but I found myself doing Judo and I did this for around 2 years and graded once as there were limited girls there and I felt uncomfortable "fighting" against lads that were much bigger and stronger than me. So I decided to give it up, but it was still a chapter in my life that I won't forget.
Now don't get me wrong I love doing my hair and looking all nice and fancy but honestly girls you don't have to look your best 24/7, it's not worth it. The other day I was walking home and I remembered when I was around 12 that I thought I had to wear jewelry all the time and I specifically  remember a time when I was meeting my friend to just hang outside and I put all my nice clothes on just to walk around!! How crazy is that like to me now it's ridiculous and I'm a little embarrassed that I did that but that's what life is about I guess. But anyway getting back to the news story on telly, they were interviewing Jessica Ennis and asking her why she thought girls weren't doing enough sport and she said that when your younger you don't want to look all hot and sweaty and red faced at school especially if you have p.e in the morning you have to be like that all day, which is fair enough I mean I understand after all I am a girl.
They said that only 20% of girls aged between 13 -18 played sport! That to me seems incredibly low and I'm proud to say that I am part of that 20% because exercise is good for you, and I mean I hate running and football but I love other types of sports too, that's the great part is that there's so many different kinds of sports out there you just have to find which one suits you best. If I could say one thing to girls it would be " To not always care about looking your best and to find a sport that interests you and give it a go! Seriously it could change the way you see sport and sportsmen and women themselves and make you feel good about yourselves".
I have learned that as I got older I started to enjoy sport more, and when I was younger I felt like sport was just for smaller skinnier girls who could run fast and were built that way but I was so wrong and look at me now, competing for my club all around the country. If someone had told me last year that I'd be racing in Rowing I wouldn't of believed them but I've surprised myself so much in the last 10 months than I ever thought I would, and the thing that inspired me to join was the Olympics in London 2012. So there's the legacy they always talk about.
So anyway I'm gonna stop rambling on and go, thanks for reading this and I hope more young girls like myself try new sports and things and get involved, byyeee x

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