Tuesday, 2 July 2013

My guilty pleasures song edition .....

So we all have guilty pleasures right? and I wanted to do a song edition where I tell you my favorite old school guilty pleasures so here we go ....

  1. Walking on Sunshine - Katrina & the Waves: I absolutely love this song because it's such a feel good song that it can instantly change my bad mood in to an incredibly happy mood. It's usually the song I go for if nothing else works :) 
  2. Beauty and the Beast- Disney Beauty and the Beast: I am such a Disney fan! I just love Disney movies and everything about them, My favorite ones where Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. When I was younger my mum took me to the Disney shop in Derby I think and brought me a Belle soft doll (Couldn't call it a bear because she's not a bear) and I've still got her today.
  3. Circle of Life- Disney Lion King: Following the Disney theme this is one of my favorite Disney songs ever! All the power and music throughout the song just fills the room and makes me think of the theater productions.
  4. My Heart Will Go On- Celine Dion:  Apart from it being in one of the best films of all time, Titanic for those of you who haven't watched it, it has to be the saddest song ever! and whenever I listen to it I always picture the very famous scene where Jack has froze to death and Rose promises to "Never let go" but she does in fact let go, this has caused confusion among the world. But anyway this song is one of my guilty pleasures because I love the film so much. I'ma sucker for classics.
  5. Had The Time Of My Life- Dirty Dancing: Again with the classics, Dirty Dancing has to be one of the most memorable films ever and would be rude for it not to be in my guilty pleasures. The build up to the chorus bring everyone into song whenever they listen to it, me included.
  6. I Need a Hero- Bonnie Tyler: A classic and has featured in many films, such a good feel good song reminds me of karaoke singing at parties your mum would throw at Christmas.
  7. Total Eclipse of the Heart- Bonnie Tyler: Love this song because it's a classic and just a really good song, I think that's good enough reason.
  8. Hey Mickey!- Toni Basil: I have a lot of memories with this song because when I was younger around 8 I think it would play at parties and discos and I also went to a dance club and this was one of the songs we danced to.
  9. Smooth Criminal- Michael Jackson: I love this song! with the electric guitar intro and Michael is a legend worldwide and his music is just amazing, this one in particular.
  10. Man in the Mirror-Michael Jackson: I always seem to sing this song, it just speaks for itself really.
So there's my Top 10 guilty pleasure songs and I may do a top Disney songs in the future because I love Disney, thanks for reading bye x

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