Wednesday, 4 September 2013


Hey there guys, so today's the day!! I'm officially 16 and I had to go to school :( But my friends made it special and I've had a good day so far! September is a good month this year because obviously it's my birthday but it's also my 1 year anniversary for rowing and I'm so proud that I stuck with it for a whole year and I enjoy every second of it! Also this month I'm going to have another brother or sister and I'm so excited for that!! And to top it off it's my brothers birthday on Saturday and I'm also racing that day. So a lot of things are happening in September. But anyway getting back to my birthday... I thought I'd show you some of my presents that my friends gave me so your included in my day :)
So for my birthday from my friend Lucy I got A notebook from Disneyland Paris where she went on holiday and a really cute mug because when it gets to winter I drink lots of tea and Hot chocolate so it's perfect! And plus I got a mug when I was 13 I got a mug and now I'm 16 I got a mug, so hopefully when I'm 18 I'll get a mug haha :)

And from my friend Priya I got the new One Direction book which I'm so excited to read (I now have 3) and the new Gallagher Girls book (Which is below) and she also got me some earrings and a necklace. Another thing me and my friends do is that for each others birthdays and for Christmas is that we write loads in each others cards so I had a lot to read :)

So here it is!! As I said earlier and in my previous post, I got the newly released "United we spy" book!! I'm so excited to read this, it's the very last book in the series and I'm so hoping it reveals everything and goes out with a bang!  

But that's about it, just a little post to tell you guys it's my birthday and that I've noticed that on Bloglovin I have 13 followers so I'd like to say a big thank you it means lot, but anyway have a nice day and I'll see you soon!! byeeee x

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