Year 13 has been on of the hardest years so far. I have been faced with an increased work load from school, preparing for my exams and doing coursework, having a part time job as well and then having issue with my friendship group. If you read my blog years ago you know that I was a rower and because of injuries and stress from school I have had to stop. I believe that this has caused me to have more problems in my life because I cut out exercise and didn't see my friends from the club as much. I began feeling agitated and self conscious because I wasn't training no where near as much as I was and I feared that I would gain weight.
So to tackle my problems head on, I 'reviewed' the people who I spent my valuable time with and realised that half them didn't even care. They were consistently putting me down or ignoring me and this has been going on for months. I am a confident person and I am strong minded and so realising that those people had the power to make me feel bad was not on. I was not going to let that continue anymore. After all's my life and i can choose who I share it with and who I don't. Since I spent less time with them my self esteem has increased and i feel more like myself again.
To tackle the next problem in my life, I created weekly lists of what I needed to achieve so I could cross it off and focus on the next thing. I a person who likes lists and so this seemed insane to me that I didn't do it before. Also, a little tip I have learned that flash cards are a life saver! I've never been a fan with any other exam years but this year I decided to give them a shot and I have accomplished so much because of them. I will do a blog post on how I'm revising in the next few weeks for you all.
Moving on, until I took up rowing I was never a massive fan of exercise, but now it's gone I realise how important it is for your well being and general health. Now, one of the reasons why I stopped is because I was continually getting injuries and I have severe back pain all the time which prevents me from doing sports that require running and heavy lifting. So instead, I've decided to swim so it's easier on my back and I still get the benefit of exercising.
These are my current life issues that I am dealing with but they can easily be yours. If you're being bullied or treated badly you need to realise that you are worth so much more than how they are making your feel. You need to stand up for yourself and take charge of your life. Enjoy your life now before you look back and realise how much time you wasted on people you don't even talk to too, boyfriend who've been and gone and you regret all of your life's choices. Live life to the full!
I know this post is personal but I felt like it was really important for me to write this post to try an reach out too people who feel how I've felt but need someone to tell them that they are special because you are. If you're reading this remember one thing, YOU ARE IMPORTANT!
Thanks for reading, love you all x
Quote of the day: Do more of what makes you happy! :)